Confidence Rockstar Podcast
Confidence Rockstar Podcast
Episode #24: 6 Life Lessons From Running 1st Marathon When My Baby Boy Turned 7 Months


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Welcome to 24th episode of Confidence Rockstar Podcast.

Yes, you’ve read it right. I completed my first ever marathon when my baby boy turned 7 months. And that wasn’t all, I had another crazy race a week after that. Intense and demanding  training started when my boy was three months, alongside breastfeeding and enduring sleepless nights. Was it difficult? You bet. It was plain crazy!

People kept asking “are you nuts?”

Why? How? What for?

In this episode I share with you my story of why and how and what for, and most importantly what this experience has taught me. During my training and during the race I’ve learnt huge 6 life lesson, that shaped who I’m today and what I believe is important.

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Here are some of the highlights of this episode:

  • why did I decide to run a marathon when my baby was 7 months
  • which marathon was my first one
  • what was the other race I completed a week later
  • 6 life lessons I’ve learnt along the way
  • #1 – being a parent doesn’t change you as a person
  • #2 – the importance of ME time
  • #3 – anything is possible, the sky is the limit
  • #4 – it’s all in your head, your body is capable of more that you can think of
  • #5 – don’t listen to debbie doubters, they’ll drag you down
  • #6 – what builds character?

Here’s full story of my preparation for the marathon and the race day itself 

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Links from the show:

FREEBIE: 5 Day E-mail Course to Boost Your Confidence

Confidence Rockstar Community – FB Group 

Connect with the host Alex Grzybek:

FACEBOOK: Alex Grzybek

FACEBOOK GROUP: Confidence Rockstar

INSTAGRAM: alexgrzybekcoach

LINKEDIN: Alex Grzybek


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