
5 Reasons to Train in the Morning

5 Reasons to Train in the Morning

Life is busy, especially mummy’s life. It’s a constant rollercoaster, oftentimes your day doesn’t go as planned, well…most of the times there’s something crazy happening and you just need to go with the flow. Sounds familiar? Even if you have the best intentions to...

5 Life Lessons I Learned From My Mother

5 Life Lessons I Learned From My Mother

My mother, my role model, my friend, my hero. She taught me what’s important in life and had such a huge impact on who I'm today. I’m forever grateful for having her in my life. Friendships need to be nourished She always said that people are making our life...

3 Things Keeping You Stuck When Losing Weight

3 Things Keeping You Stuck When Losing Weight

If you’re like most mums, ba most women…you’ve probably tried many diets over your lifetime. Some worked, some didn’t but if you’re still trying to lose weight, that most likely means that they didn’t give you lasting results. Maybe you even ended up with JoJo effect....

I Run Because I Can

I Run Because I Can

I have never been into running, really. I was getting a stich after few hundred meters and I found it boring anyway. Then, back in 2013 I decided to give it another try. During my 3rd run I’ve completed 10k which was quite impressive. I must stress here that I was not...

Secret Santa Is Running To Town

Secret Santa Is Running To Town

Each year my family is working hard to help more and more families through an initiative called Basket Brigade Polska. They started with 10 small hampers in 2011 and last last year, in 2016, they delivered over 500 hampers in Poland, of which 300 in my mummy's home...

Power Charge Smoothie

Power Charge Smoothie

This is one of my favourites smoothies. It’s so fresh, creamy and tastes delicious. Packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and thanks to avocado it provides your body with good fat, protein and fibre as well. The recipe is for a large amount, so if you can't...

6 Reasons Why You Don’t Reach Your Fitness Goals

6 Reasons Why You Don’t Reach Your Fitness Goals

I’ll start training tomorrow, after holidays, on Monday, on the 1st day of the month, or even better on 1st January… the list goes on and on. Sounds familiar? How many times have you said that to yourself, how many times have you made that promise and then done...

The Story of My Berlin Marathon

The Story of My Berlin Marathon

Last year, in April 2016, when my son was 7 months young, I completed my first ever marathon. It was London Marathon which is one of the Worlds Marathon Majors. When I crossed that finish line in front of Buckingham Palace, I was crying like a baby. You can read all...

Top Tips For Busy Mums

Top Tips For Busy Mums

Being a mum is the most demanding job of all. Juggling kids, house, work, family, friends can be extremely challenging. And somewhere in between you want to find some time for yourself as well… If you feel overwhelmed with the never-ending pressures that motherhood...