Being a mum is magical. But it’s exhausting as well. New mum suddenly has her life upside down, where everything is around the baby. There is no time for routines that existed before, for the things that we loved doing. It seems impossible to have even few minutes just for yourself, not to mention an hour when you can head to the gym or even sit on the sofa with your favourite book. You love your little angel to bits but sometimes you feel that you need to be out of here otherwise you would start crying or screaming or both. We’ve all been there…

As a new mummy, something I call my “Little (BIG !!!) Escape” is RUNNING.

It gives me so many benefits and no side effects. I got back to running when my baby was 3 months old and for the first 3 months, I was running on my own. Even though we got a running stroller it was advised to wait until the baby is at least 6 months old and comfortable in the sitting position. When Kuba turned 6 months, we started running together, however, every now and then I was still running on my own. I can say that running has saved me during the most demanding moments of early motherhood.

Check out what I believe RUNNING can do for a new mummy, it certainly did for me:


As a new mum, I was 24/7 involved in everything related to my baby, making sure that he is fed, dry, warm and content. My needs and feelings were forgotten, there was no time to think about myself, well sometimes there was no time to think at all… But when I went for a run I could escape…escape to a different world and have some ‘ME’ time – I could reset my mind, listen to my thoughts and what was important to me. I could focus, I could plan, I could create, and the best ideas came to my mind when I was running.

And other times I just switched off and let my thoughts flow.

I loved this “ME” time; it gave me freedom, I could clear my head, completely de-stress and look at things under a different light. After each run, I was coming back as a better mum, better wife, and a better person.


I love reading, and I used to read a lot. Since Kuba was born my reading went out of the window, well I still did read but mostly baby stuff and not even enough of those. Every minute was so important during the day, so if I got a chance to use a net time I did. When I ran, I could put my headphones on and listen to an audiobook, course, or a seminar and feed my mind with anything I wanted. Most of the time I was going through personal development books or programs which put me in such a good state that I felt that I was flying rather than running. I was doing great stuff for my body and mind at the same time. This was so important, especially when I was tired and overwhelmed with all the mummy’s tasks.


As a new mummy, I was tired, especially because I was not sleeping during the night… I was breastfeeding, and my little one was awake few times at night. Anyone with sleeping problems would agree that sleep deprivation is nothing you want to wish for. I did sometimes feel exhausted and wanted to cry. But running benefits our mood too. It causes our brain to release endorphins – a “feel good” hormone that can mask pain and create a sense of well-being. Numerous studies have found running can reduce symptoms of depression and increase self-esteem. When I ran, my body was moving and all those amazing endorphins released into the bloodstream. I suddenly didn’t feel as tired as before; I could smile and felt that I had much more energy, actually I felt on top of the world and capable of doing anything.


Sometimes looking after the baby feels like doing same things over and over again, can you relate? When I finished my run, I felt so proud of myself. So proud that in spite of many excuses why I couldn’t go for a run today (most of them well justified), I made it.

Regardless of how much I was struggling to get out there, I always felt much better after a run both physically and mentally, and I mean ALWAYS. I don’t know anyone who’s ever felt worse after a run.


Yes, losing weight and staying in shape goes hand in hand with running. As my body was moving and I was burning calories, I could get rid of those pregnancy kilograms much faster and get my figure back. Not only I could look better; I would feel better too. Plus, as my endurance went up, I was going to be a fit mummy.


Each mummy dreams about getting out of the house. Running was perfect for this. Being outside, breathing fresh air, feeling the wind in my hair. It was so good for my body, my lungs, my heart, improving my cardiovascular system and helping me get fit.


Running gave me an opportunity to explore new places in my neighbourhood. I found out areas I didn’t know existed like hidden playground, beautiful park and even a lake. It was amazing.


There are more and more people running, so there is a chance to meet some other runners in your local area. It’s great to find a running buddy, join a running club or just pop into local Parkrun (organised every Saturday at 9am). Meeting so many wonderful people sharing the same passion, training together, helping and motivating each other, preparing and participating in races. Plus it’s so good to have conversation not related to nappies or weaning

Running has such a positive effect on body and mind with all the health benefits.

I really believe running is a perfect little (BIG !!!) escape for a new mum where she can spend some time with herself, recharge the batteries and come back calmer, happier and ready to face new challenges.

Happy Mama = Happy Child.

Check it out, get yourself out there, go for a run and tell me how that was.

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